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Erika Rabóczi Gallery
Scotney Castle(50x100cm, acryl, canvas, 2021) | Canterbury(60x80cm, acryl, canvas, 2020) | Stairs in Polignano a Mare(70x50cm, acryl, canvas, 2017) |
Florence(50x70cm, acryl, canvas, 2016) | Florence 2.(70x50cm, acryl, canvas, 2017) | Ponte Vecchio(21X30 cm, aquarell, paper, 2018) |
Wernigerode(24X32 cm, aquarell, paper, 2020) | Linz(acryl, pastel, canvas, 50x70cm, 2019) | Before waking(50x70cm, acryl, canvas, 2018) |
Yellow flovers(60x80cm, acryl, canvas, 2020) | Fruits(40x50cm, acryl, canvas, 2017) | Cathedral of Florence(40x50cm, acryl, canvas, 2016) |
Polignano a Mare(private collection, 50x70cm, acryl, canvas, 2014) | Torino, Via Pietro Micca(70x50cm, acryl, canvas, 2017) | The lost colors of autumn(70x50cm, acryl, canvas, 2017) |
Napoli (Via San Gregorio Armeno)(70x30cm, acryl, canvas, 2017) | Court in Polignano a Mare(50x70cm, acryl, canvas, 2016) | Sevilla(50x60cm, acryl, canvas, board, 2016) |
Court(70x50cm, acryl, canvas, board, 2007) | The future(70x30cm, acryl, canvas, 2017) | Waterfall of Lillafüred(private collection, 50x70cm, acryl, canvas) |
Autumn street(70x50cm, acryl, canvas, 2016) | Alley(privat collection, 70x50cm, acryl, canvas, 2016) | Rooftops(30x70cm, acryl, canvas, 2016) |
Houses(30x100cm, acryl, canvas, 2016) | Hammam al Andalus Granada(70x120cm, acryl, board, 2016) | Granada(2016, acryl, canvas, 50x100cm) |
Alhambra(30x70cm, acryl, canvas, 2016) | Altes Schloss, Eremitage, Bayreuth(50x70cm, acryl, canvas, 2017) | Prague 2.(Collection of Avasi Gimnázium, acryl, canvas, 50x60cm) |
Prague(acryl, pastel, canvas, 60x40cm, 2012) | Candle(2003, tempera, pastel, paper, 60x40cm) | Pisa(2016, acryl, canvas, 50x40cm) |
Trabant(50x70cm, acryl, canvas, 2016) | Sunrise in the fog(2007, acryl, canvas, board, 60x40cm) | Rammstein, Engel(60x50cm, acryl, canvas, board, 2016) |
Lantern(acryl, canvas, 50x40cm) | Light(acryl, canvas, 40x60cm) | Sanctuary |
Summer rain 1.(2016, acryl, canvas, 70x50cm) | Summer rain 2.(2016, acryl, canvas, board, 40x60cm) | Summer(2002, tempera, paper, 50x70cm) |
Tisza River(2002, tempera, board, 30x40cm) | Still life(2002, tempera, paper, 100x70cm) |
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